Opening Ceremonies:  President Clyde Cushing called the meeting to order.
Greeter:  Rebecca Greenlaw
Invocation was read by Rebecca Greenlaw and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sergeant at Arms:  Bob and Mary Thomas
Guests:  John Shoppe, Grace Robinson and Barbara Clark,
Door Prizes:  The lucky winners were Carol Jordan, Fred Beyer, Cindy Shoppe and Laura Pellerano
Find Romey the Rotary Gnome: Jodie Cushing was the winner of the Rotary Gnome this week. 
50/50: $10 to John Shoppe
Happy Dollars: 1st Quarter Happy Dollars will go to Downeast Horizons Special Olympics Program. 
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars:  John Shoppe, Grace Robinson, Gene Pellerano, Larry Johnston, Ashley Johnson, JoAnn Brown-Rodick, Rebecca Greenlaw, Lori Googins, Bob Thomas and Clyde Cushing.
Rotary Business:
Autumn Gold Pancake Breakfast: Saturday, September 24th 7am – 10am at Ellsworth Elementary School. Please contact Dave Wells to sign up.
Rotary Blood Drives at the Elks Club: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 11am – 5pm. Sign up with Max Dietshe.
2nd Quarter Happy Dollars: Contact Clyde Cushing to choose the next non-profit to send Happy Dollars to.
Zoom Committee: Clyde is looking for Rotarians who would like to be on the Zoom committee to help do some research for a hotspot for the club to have better internet at China Hill and look into how much it would cost to get an upgrade on equipment. If you are interested in helping, please contact Clyde.
Guest Speaker: Membership Chair JoAnn Brown-Rodick spoke to club members about the upcoming Membership Night scheduled for Tuesday, October 11th at Union River Lobster Pot in Ellsworth at 5:30pm. Appetizers and drinks will be available.
Everyone brainstormed how to attract members to join our club. JoAnn shared with members the “Identifying Prospective Members Worksheet” (This was emailed out to everyone prior to meeting)
Membership Night Invitations will be sent out soon to invite potential members to the event. RSVP is required.  Please send further ideas to JoAnn about Membership Night. The membership committee is currently working on the program.
Respectfully submitted by Rotarian Ashley Johnson