Opening Ceremonies: President Jo Cooper called the meeting to order. Invocation by Dave Wells and we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Greeter: Irv Hadgkins
Well Wisher:Marian Wells
Sargent at Arms: Julie and Tony Bouchard
Guests: John Shoppe
Birthdays: November 13, Larry Barnes, 18th Carol Jordan, Cindy Shoppe
Club Anniversaries: Laurie Foglemann 15 years
Door Prizes: Jo Cooper, Tony Bouchard, Dave Wells, Allegra Pellerano Marian Wells and Jack Frost all won door prizes
50/50: John Shoppe
Happy Dollars Highlights: Clyde Cushing was able to return to work after a long layoff due to surgery. Larry Fernald’s grandson got an eight point buck. Iris Simons trail work at the Jordan Homestead off the Bayside Road in Ellsworth. Scott Kimball -warm pants. Rod Fox, thank you for pointing out the trail. Dave Wells - cause, Marian Wells - cause.
Rotary Business:
Dave Wells spoke about Movember and halfway through.
Food Drive at Hannafords on Saturday.
Rotary Leadership Saturday.
Parade - Ellsworth Christmas Parade 12/7/2019 escorting Santa in the sled.
Gifting Experience - 12/14/2019 9:30-12:00 . Collecting sponsorships.
Charlene Churchill update- Jane Langley updated the club on her medical status. She is in Texas trying to get healthy for chemo. Fundraising ideas to help defer the medical costs.
Program/Speaker: Iris introduced the Speaker Nicole Grohoski who provided in depth presentation on her trip as the first female thru-paddler of the 740-mile Northern Forest Canoe Trail. With video chronicling her adventure with fellow Ellsworthian Thomas Perkins, in 2006. The trail traces Native American trade routes between NY and Northern Maine and features a wide variety of landscapes and histories -- visiting tranquil lakes, tricky whitewater, covered bridges, moose and more!
Respectfully submitted by Laura Pellerano