Opening Ceremonies: President Gene Pellerano called the meeting to order.
Greeter: Lincoln Ehrlenbach
Invocation read by Mary Thomas and we said the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Guests: Grace Robinson, Aaron and Brielle Johnson
Birthdays: Ashley Johnson on 12/16 and Dave Wells on 12/25. Happy Birthday!
2nd Quarter Happy Dollars: This quarter all happy dollars will go towards The Hancock County Sherriff’s Department for Deputy Luke Gross’s Family.   
The following Rotarians gave Happy Dollars: Jodie Cushing, Carol Jordan, Max Dietshe, Debbie Ehrlenbach, JoAnn Brown, Cindy Shoppe, Dave Wells, Marian Wells, Carl Lusby, Jo Cooper, Bob Thomas and Gene Pellerano.
Rotary Business:
Our club presented a check to JoAnn Brown of Northern Light Maine Coast Hospital for Men’s Health in the amount of $875.00. This is for Movember.
50/50 Raffle for Snow Days: $5 per day. All proceeds go to the THAW Fund.
Foundation: The winner of the monthly drawing is Rod Fox. 
Upcoming Community Service Events:
Blood Drive: The Blood Drive is the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. The month of December has been filled! Max Dietshe thanks everyone for their continued help. Please sign up for January!
Gifting Experience: Jack Frost and Carl Lusby are encouraging donations from Businesses and Club Members for this year’s Gifting Experience. Contact them if you would like to donate.
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry for December: Our club will be helping at the Food Pantry on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the month of December. Jodie Cushing will be sending out a sign-up sheet.
Rotary Apparel on Sale: Contact Dave Wells to order any Rotary Hats, Shirts and Sweatshirts!
Holiday Party: This week club members enjoyed the Annual Holiday Party! Everyone had fun playing games, participated in the Ugly Christmas Sweater contest, wrapped presents for KidsPeace and signed Christmas Cards for Bangor Veterans Home.
The next meeting will be on January 4, 2022. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Gene reminded everyone about Polio Plus and EREY! Please consider making a donation.
Respectfully submitted by Ashley Johnson