Thank You to Rotarian Rebecca Greenlaw for providing a fun game of Family Feud this week!
Opening Ceremonies: President Clyde Cushing called the meeting to order.
Greeter: Tony and Julie Bouchard
Invocation was read by Clyde Cushing and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sergeant at Arms: Tony and Julie Bouchard (filling in for Bob and Mary)
Guests: Brielle Johnson, Grace Robinson, Barbara Clark and Kelly Brown of The Next Step
Visiting Rotarians: Dave and Betty Parsons of Portland
Birthdays: Happy Birthday to Jane Langley!
Club Anniversary: Rebecca Greenlaw 1 Year in Rotary!
Door Prizes: The lucky winners were Julie Bouchard, Gene Pellerano, Grace Robinson, Lincoln Ehrlenbach and Tony Bouchard.
Julie Bouchard was the winner of the Rotary Gnome this week.
50/50: $11 to Benedetta Pellerano
Happy Dollars: 1st Quarter Happy Dollars will go to Downeast Horizons Special Olympics Program.
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Bendetta Pellerano, Lincoln Ehrlenbach, Lori Googins, Gene Pellerano and Dave Wells.
Rotary Business:
Pancake Breakfast: Lincoln and Dave thanked everyone for supporting Rotary at the Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, August 6th. We really appreciate everyone taking time on Friday and from your weekend to help. We also appreciate everyone selling tickets. The breakfast certainly was a success due to your participation. An event like this brings the community together. It was really nice having all the extra outside volunteers help! Early counts support over 700 individuals attending and currently we collected $6,600 in ticket sales with many Rotarians still bringing in funds. After 3 years, we feel this was a great success!!
Community Service: Max Dietshe reported that the Maine Coast Hospital is seeking volunteers for the Schoodic Scramble in September. More details to come. As always opportunities to volunteer from noon to 6:00 pm on the second and fourth Tuesdays at the Red Cross Blood Drive are available.
Loaves & Fishes Pie Booth at the Blue Hill Fair, Thursday, September 1 - Saturday, September 3. We need folks to staff the booth and we also need pie bakers (fruit pies and anything that doesn't need refrigeration). Volunteers should wear their Rotary shirts and enter through the Green gate. If you volunteer, you get free admission! Sign up here.
Schoodic Scramble: At Grindstone Neck Golf Course in Winter Harbor. Multiple volunteers opportunities available from early til late. Sign up here.
Downeast Horizons Color Fun 5K: Saturday, September 10th. Rotarians are welcome to sign-up to help with this community event. Volunteer options are to help pass out water at a water station, help with parking or direct runners and walkers on the race route. Volunteer hours will be from 8:00am to 11:00am. Here is the signup sheet
Zoom Committee: Clyde is looking for Rotarians who would like to be on the Zoom committee to help do some research for a hotspot for the club to have better internet at China Hill and look into how much it would cost to get an upgrade on equipment. If you are interested in helping, please contact Clyde.
Guest Speaker: Rotarian Rebecca Greenlaw organized a fun game of Family Feud! Everyone participated and the winners with the most corrected answers won a prize were Clyde Cushing, Brielle Johnson, Jodie Cushing and Tony Bouchard.
Respectfully submitted by Rotarian Ashley Johnson