On Tuesday, March 31st at 6 PM, our club had our second virtual meeting over the telephone and internet via Zoom.  During the first few minutes our meeting was hacked, but we were able to fix that. We think this happened as we shared the Zoom meeting online to our social media pages and the club website to invite Visiting Rotarians. Learning from this, we will only be sharing the Zoom meeting information within our club by email only to prevent this from happening again. We appreciate your understanding on this. 
The club plans to continue to meet weekly during this crisis in this way.  Meeting invites will come from Public Relations Director Ashley Johnson to your email address on record.
The invocation was read by Jo Cooper.  The pledge was led by Carl Lusby, Ashley Johnson took notes and Tony and Julie Bouchard took attendance.
Check In:
Jo started the meeting by asking each person to give a recap of how they were doing.  We heard from Ashley Johnson, Laura Pellerano, Pam Cushing, Clyde Cushing, Julie Bouchard, Tony Bouchard, Marian Wells, Dave Wells, Debbie Ehrlenbach, Lincoln Ehrlenbach, Allegra Pellerano, Carl Lusby, Dan Frye, Jodie Cushing and her daughter Grace, Gene Pellerano, David Wheaton, Rod Fox, Tracy Shaffer and Scott Kimball. It was noted that Irv Hodgkin and Larry Johnston are recovering and Jim Vickers is doing fine. 
Club Anniversaries:  Larry Johnston for 31 Years in Rotary! Congratulations Larry! 
Rotary Business:
  1. Ashley Johnson reminded club members that during this time, checking your emails and reading the weekly newsletter is the best way to stay in touch and know what is going on a weekly basis in our Club. If you struggling on how to use Zoom, please contact Ashley and she will help you. If you aren’t interested in using Zoom, that is okay.
  2. Everybody Eats – TracyShaffer reminded everyone that Everybody Eats is operating, but on a restricted, takeout basis only to observe current pandemic safety guidelines.  Starting April 5th, cooking will start at the Moore Community Center for more space.
  3. Jo Cooper reminded everyone that she would reach out to those interested in helping to deliver groceries or meals as part of Friends in Action.  She noted that the organization is working with the library to make friendly phone calls as well.  The FIA center is closed for operations.
  4. Wheelchair Project – Dave Wells advised that the funds have been forwarded to the American Wheelchair Mission.  Dave is still working to formally identify a nonprofit organization that can be a partner in Panama to receive the delivery on behalf of the club and team with us for deployment.  120 chairs have been ordered with the deployment planned October – December.
  5. Laura and Gene Pellerano and Clyde Cushing reported that they continue to be part of the virtual President-Elect (PETS) Training that the District is running via Zoom.
 We ended our check in and meeting at 7:00 PM.
Notes submitted by Ashley Johnson