Opening Ceremonies: President Clyde Cushing called the meeting to order.
Invocation was read by Clyde Cushing and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Moment of Silence for Natalie Knox.
Sergeant at Arms: Tony and Julie Bouchard
Guests: John Shoppe
Club Anniversaries: Jane Langley 16 Years and Julie Clark 15 Years.
Birthdays: Rod Fox on 6/21 and Mark Remick on 6/21
Wedding Anniversaries: Laura and Gene Pellerano 43 Years and Debbie and Lincoln Ehrlenbach 47 Years.
Door Prizes: The lucky winner was: Cindy Shoppe, Stephanie Baillargeon, Michael Houlsen, Julie Bouchard, Carol Yancey and Jo Cooper.
50/50: $8.00 to Tony Bouchard
Happy Dollars: Fourth Quarter Happy Dollars will go towards Polio Plus…The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Tony Bouchard, Gene Pellerano, Carol Yancey, Jack Frost, Jo Cooper, Dave Wells and Clyde Cushing.
Rotary Business:
The Loaves and Fishes Auction will be held June 24th. In addition to the auction there will be a raffle, food and plenty of fun. Please consider attending or contributing to this major fund raising event for the food pantry. This is one of Loaves and Fishes major fund raising events and the volume of clients utilizing the pantry has never been greater so the need for funds is very high. Thank you for any support you can give this event!
Kids Peace Golf Tournament at Lucerne Inn on Saturday Jun 24th. Contact Rebecca Greenlaw to volunteer.
Guest Speakers / Program: Laura and Gene Pellerano shared a presentation of photos of their trip to Ecuador in 2022.
Respectfully submitted by Rotarian Ashley Johnson