Congratulations to Rotarians Tony and Julie Bouchard! They were awarded Paul Harris Fellows!
Opening Ceremonies: President Jo Cooper called the meeting to order.  Invocation by Dave Wells and we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Greeter: Fred Beyer
Well Wisher: Jodie Cushing
Sargent at Arms: Julie and Tony Bouchard
Guests: Aaron and Brielle Johnson
Club Anniversaries: Carol Jordan 1 year, Carolyn Swertka 1 year. Ray Williams 42 Years
Door Prizes: Carl Lusby, Laura Pellerano, Jodie Cushing, Iris Simon, Scott Kimball
50/50:  $11.00 Pam Cushing
Happy Dollars Highlights: Pam Cushing, Allegra Pellerano, Laura Pellerano, Tracy Shaffer, Dave Wells, Marian Wells, Ashley Johnson, Laurie Fogelman and Scott Kimball. All happy dollars will go towards “Pack A Bag Program” for our upcoming Wheelchair Project.
Rotary Business:  
  1. Paul Harris Update: Tony and Julie Bouchard were both awarded Paul Harris Fellows! Tracy Shaffer was recognized for a Paul Harris +3 Pin.  Congratulations!
  2. Rotary Auction Partner: Laura Pellerano announced this year’s Auction Partner: Hancock County Hospice.
  3. Panama Wheelchair Project- Our trip will possibly be delayed into the Fall. Next year will be Belize.
  4. Newsletter Sign-Up: Ashley Johnson passed around the sign-up sheet.
Program/Speaker:  Ben Baxter was our guest speaker this week. He presented his project “A Thousand Wells for Africa”. He is working to bring clean water to isolated parts of Africa where it is so desperately needed. Ben shared photos of his trip.
Respectfully submitted by Ashley Johnson