Mark Green and Melissa Mattes from Downeast Community Partners were the speakers at Tuesday’s meeting.
President Jo Cooper called the meeting to order at 6 PM. The invocation was offered by Larry Fernald and we said the Pledge of Allegiance.  
Those helping with tonight’s meeting:  Greeter – Jodie Cushing, Well Wisher and Notes – Tracy Shaffer, Sargent at Arms – Julie Bouchard.
Club Secretary Clyde Cushing announced the following birthday’s:  Scott Kimball, Alison King, Carl Lusby, Laurie Fogelman and Ashley Johnson.
Guests this evening included Grace Robinson, Prospective Members Marien Hand and Rhonda Parker, Lisa Veezie and Guest Speakers Melissa Mattes and Mark Green from Downeast Community Partners.
Santa has been busy!!!!  Door Prizes went to many people this evening including Lisa, Rachel, Dan, Rhonda, Nancy, Gene, Mark G., Marshall, Jim, Larry and Ray.  The 50/50 drawing for $12 was won by Cindy who donated the proceeds back to our Happy Dollar quarterly project.
Our Happy Dollar project this quarter is Kid’s Peace to help support their residential children’s Christmas gift program.  Those giving Happy Dollars this evening included: Cindy, Carl, Terri, Marshall, Jackie, Laurie, Mark G., Jack and Gene.
Rotary Business:
  1. President Jo shared thank you cards from Kid’s Peace and The Ellsworth Public Library for recent donations from our Community Support efforts.
  2. Community Service Chair Marc Rich reminded members of the benefit supper for member Charlene Churchill this Sunday, Dec. 15.  Rotarians should arrive by 2 PM; Dinner will run from 4 PM – 6 PM at the Moore Community Center.  Desserts are still needed and Marc passed out spaghetti for members to prepare and bring.  Marc also noted that we have donated 1000 hours of community service YTD for this program year.
  3. Other Projects: It was mentioned that we still need sign ups for Loaves and Fishes for the remainder of the month.  Our annual Gifting Experience with local school children will be held this Saturday, Dec. 14th.  To help, contact Carl or Jack.  Rotarians should meet at 9:30 AM at City Hall. The project will wrap up by Noon.
  4. Past President Tracy Shaffer provided a Nominating Committee report for 2020-2021 officers elections.  With a quorum present, the following were elected to officer roles as a slate, unanimously:  President – Laura Pellerano, President-Elect Gene Pellerano, Vice-President and Secretary Clyde Cushing, Treasurer – Debbie Ehrlenbach.
  5. President Jo gave a report update related to our club goals.  Among other achievements, she reported that we have given $1,861 to Polio Plus this year thus far against a goal of $2,500.  She also mentioned a possible teaming opportunity with the Noontime Club and a family friendly event that may be scheduled.  She thanked the club for their ideas and support.
  6. President-Elect Laura gave a report update on the 2020 auction.  She mentioned that we would be doing more bundling of items this year to create experiences that people can bid on among a few other changes that are in the works.
Program/Speaker: Mark Green, Executive Director of Downeast Community Partners (DCP) and Melissa Mattes, DCP Director for Early Care and Education Programs were on hand to highlight the work of the organization, including the expansion of services made available when Washington Hancock Community Agency (WHCA) and Child and Family Opportunities (CFO) merged in 2017 to form DCP.
DCP roots in the communities of Washington and Hancock counties go back over 50 years, starting with the implementation of community agencies under the Johnson administration and the implementation of the national Head Start program.
Mark highlighted that DCP today has $13M in revenue and employs over 200 full and part time employees.  The non-government agency administers many programs including the Heating and Assistance Program (HEAP) and the associated heating and warmth fund (THAW), transportation, housing and weatherization and the At Home program helping 60 seniors stay in their home through visiting nurses and supportive services.  Additionally, the group has partner programs such as Everybody Eats! and Friendship Cottage as well as other services impacting many in the community. 
Melissa spoke about the expansion of the DCP childcare programs that include Head Start and Early Head Start helping over 350 preschool children a year in 12 towns throughout Washington and Hancock counties.  DCP is also partnering with public schools in 9 communities to offer joint Pre K programs.  Creative programs such as Family Futures Downeast aim to couple childcare and adult training initiatives to bolster the families enrolled.
After a few questions, the presentation concluded and Jo presented Mark and Melissa with Rotary Speaker’s Mugs.  The meeting concluded at 7 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Tracy Shaffer