Opening Ceremonies: President Jo Cooper called the meeting to order.  The invocation was offered by Laurie Fogelman and we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Club Opening and Welcomes: The club thanked the following for helping with tonight’s meeting:  Greeter Laura Pellerano, Well Wisher Linda Fuller, Note Taker Tracy Shaffer, Sergeants at Arms Julie and Tony Bouchard.
Secretary Clyde Cushing noted that there were no visiting Rotarians this evening and announced an 8/7 birthday for club member Allan Baker and a wedding anniversary on 8/11 for Honorary Rotarian Mike Povich and his wife Judy.  There were no club service anniversaries this week to report.
Rotarians announcing guests this evening:  Jodie Cushing – her daughter Grace, Cindy Shoppe – her husband John, Carl Lusby – prospective member Dr. Ruth Moore and Jackie Sinclair – her sister Jenny.
Door Prizes: A bottle of wine went to our guest speaker, and a jar of Mrs. Richardson’s Desert Sauce went to both Marian Wells and to Julie Bouchard. President Jo thanked Rotarians for bringing in these door prizes and thanked Rotarians in advance for continuing to help with door prizes.
50/50: Carol Jordan won the 50/50 of $18 and donated it to the Happy Dollar Quarterly cause which is Polio Plus.  She thanked members for their thoughts and cards concerning the recent loss of her mother.
Happy Dollars Highlights:
Gene Pellerano asked members to let him know of any partner businesses that may be able to serve as an additional site for our Polio Plus community outreach project in October for Purple Pinkie donations.
Many Rotarians gave a Happy Dollar in honor of the wonderful pancake breakfast held on August 3 and chaired by Cindy Shoppe and Lincoln Ehrlenbach. 
Among Rotarians offering Happy Dollars tonight:  Iris, Charlene, Gene, Laura, Tracy, Scott, Lincoln, Julie, Carl, Nancy, Jo, Cindy, Rodney, Laurie, Carol and Larry.
Rotary Business:  
  1. Pancake Breakfast – Held on August 3, 2019  
    1. Treasurer Debbie Ehrlenbach gave preliminary revenue results for the breakfast with a final number to come in after Rotarians have turned in all ticket monies.  Among the totals reported to date:  Ticket sales, including ticket monies turned in at tonight’s meeting - $6739, merchandise - $485, 50/50 - $188.50, Sponsors - $458.  Other monies collected during this time:  Wheelchair Donations - $634.36, Rotary Partnerships - $3100, collected by Lincoln Ehrlenbach. 
    2. Debbie reminded Rotarians to turn any remaining ticket monies in as soon as possible.
    3. Jo thanked the club again for their work and commented on the teaming demonstrated to run the breakfast each year. She also thanked Lincoln for his efforts in growing our Rotary Partnership program enrollment.
  1. Community Service - Marc Rich passed around a sign up opportunity for Rotarians to work the Loaves and Fishes Pie Booth at the Blue Hill Fair, August 30 from 5 – 7 PM and from 7 – 9 PM.  If interested, please let him know.
  1. Rotary Board Meeting and Communications
    1. Jo advised that the next board meeting will be held next Tuesday at 4:30 PM.  All Rotarians are welcome to attend.
    2. Clyde advised that Rotarians can take advantage of the back side of Club Runner to access personal account information and additional club information.  If you need access or a tutorial, please let him know.
    3. Clyde asked club members to advise him of any make-ups for 100% year-end participation recognition and told members that board minutes would be circulated to the club membership post meetings.
    4. Jo read thank you notes received from a scholarship recipient, the Chamber of Commerce for allowing them to sell Autumn Gold jackpot tickets at our Pancake Breakfast, and from hospice for letting them use our parking cones at their regatta.
Our speaker, Dr. Richard Matthews, was introduced by Rotarian Iris Simon.  Dr. Matthews opened the Center for Integrative Chiropractic Neurology in Ellsworth after moving here 4 years ago.  His verbal presentation to the club expounded upon the speaker’s biographical and professional profile remarks sent to the club on August 6.  He carefully walked the audience through the detection and treatment of Lyme disease and how and why it can reoccur after antibiotics or initial treatment.  He discussed the connection of our microbiome (gut health driven by intestinal bacteria) with the disease and the ability to combat it as well as other illnesses by fostering a good microbiome.  He took several questions including noting that it is possible to have your intestinal bacteria analyzed and be given treatment and guidance on how to improve its ability to combat illness.  The intestinal tract houses about 70% of a human’s immune system.  His presentation included an opportunity to provide your email address to receive documentation supporting his presentation this evening.  If you were not at the meeting and would like to be included in the follow up email, please let Club Service Chair Laurie Fogelman know.
Jo Cooper presented Dr. Matthews with our Rotary Speaker’s Mug and adjourned the meeting at 7:09 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Tracy Shaffer