Opening Ceremonies: President Gene Pellerano called the meeting to order.
Invocation by read by Jo Cooper and we said the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Guests: John Shoppe, Grace Robinson, Carol Yancey, Moira Whaten
Visiting Rotarians: Joseph Kellogg and Jacqueline Kellogg
Wedding Anniversaries: Fred and Lesile Beyer.  Happy Anniversary!
Door Prizes: Winners were Allegra Pellerano, Larry Johnston, Grace Robinson, Dave Wells and Jodie Cushing.
50/50: $11 to Cynthia Vaughan
1st Quarter Happy Dollars: This quarter all happy dollars will go towards The Next Step.
The following Rotarians gave Happy Dollars: Dave Wells, Laura Pellerano, Debbie Ehrlenbach, Clyde Cushing, Carl Lusby, Jo Cooper, Carol Jordan, Tracy Shaffer and Gene Pellerano.
Rotary Business:  
  • Exchanging of Banners: President Gene Pellerano did an exchange of Banners with our Visiting Rotarians Joseph Kellogg and Jacqueline Kellogg. Also while on vacation, Gene and Laura Pellerano shared the Banner they received while visiting the San Diego Breakfast Club.
  • September Rotary Board Meeting: The next Rotary board meeting is on Tuesday, September 7th at 4:30pm at China Hill.
  • Foundation Minute: Lincoln Ehrlenbach reminded everyone to please donate to the Annual Fund.  Allegra Pellerano won this month’s drawing of $10 to Dunkin Donuts.
  • Partner Program: Debbie Ehrlenbach spoke about our Annual Partner Program. Several Businesses have sent in donations for this year. An updated list of businesses who have donated are displayed at our weekly meetings by the podium.  The partner program has helped our club  especially during COVID-19 when we couldn't fundraise for the Auction and Pancake Breakfast. 
  • Clubrunner Mobile Reminder: ClubRunner Mobile is a wonderful tool allowing membership directory data to be available at your fingertips as well as other club information such as weekly newsletters, upcoming events, guest speakers and meetings.   It is a great companion to our ClubRunner website. Click on the link below to get started!
  • Reminder - We encourage all members to visit to sign-in using your email address and create your own password. This is a great opportunity to learn more about Rotary International, the Foundation, the District we are a part of, what our club is working on for this year and so much more! An email was sent out on how to set this up. If you have questions, please contact Ashley Johnson. 
Upcoming Community Service Events:
  • Blue Hill Fair Pie Booth: September 2nd, 3rd and 4th from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. Help is needed. Please sign up with Jodie.
  • Northern Light Maine Coast Schoodic Scramble: September 10-11,2021 – A sign-up sheet was passed around this week. Please contact Jodie to sign up.  
  • Autumn Gold Pancake Breakfast – Saturday, September 25th at the Moore Community Center from 7am to 10am. All donations raised will go towards scholarships for local graduates of Ellsworth High School and the Hancock Technical Center. More information to come and help is needed! Please contact Dave Wells to sign up.
  • Blood Drive: Max Dietshe thanked everyone for continued help with the Blood Drives. He will send out an email to sign up for future dates. Please help if you can.
Guest Speaker: Cynthia Vaughan from Project Linus was our guest speaker. Cynthia is the project coordinator for the Bangor chapter of this national organization that provides new handmade blankets to children in need. The chapter serves four counties in Maine including Hancock County.
At Project Linus, their blankets are lovingly made by adults and children from all walks of life and many different sources.
Their mission is to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.”
Gene reminded everyone about Polio Plus and EREY! Please consider making a donation.
 Respectfully submitted by Ashley Johnson
