Opening Ceremonies: President Tracy Shaffer called the meeting to order.  Invocation by Larry Fernald and we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Greeter: David Wells
Sargent at Arms: Julie and Tony Bouchard
Visiting Rotarians: Terry Carlisle from the Ellsworth Noontime Club
Guests: Perry Huitte, Tricia Quirk, John Shoppe
Club Anniversary: Larry Fernald
Rotary Minute: Tracy read a Quote from Ghandi
Door Prizes: Carl Lusby, Rodney Fox and Terry Carlisle
50/50: Julie Bouchard
Happy Dollars Highlights: All happy dollars this quarter will go towards SkillsUSA.  Julie Bouchard, Clyde Cushing, Jodi Cushing, Dan Hurley, Dave Wells, Terry Carlisle, Jo Cooper, Tricia Quirk, Andrea Mason, Larry Johnson, Laurie Fogelman, Carl Lusby, Jac Frost, Iris Simon, Dom Efter and Tracy Shaffer.
Rotary Business:  
  1. Officer Election November 27th: Looking for officer committee members
  2. Board approved new membership type, (corporate membership)
  3. Marian announces Membership night 10/30
  4. Pancake Breakfastfast discussion from Dave Wells
  5. Clyde requested help for the FIA Auction
  6. Pam Cushing requested greeters
Program/Speaker: Our guest speaker was Terry Carlisle, General Manager of The Ellsworth American. She spoke of the newspaper industry and the new owners of The Ellsworth American.
Respectfully submitted by: Dom Efter