Opening Ceremonies: President Carl Lusby called the meeting to order. Moira O’Neill gave the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Our greeter was David Wells.
Visiting Rotarians: Cheryl Callnan – Plymouth, NH and Julia and Peter Chen - Taiwan.
Guests: David and Vincent Chen, Jim, Josh, and Alyssa Callnan, and Allegra Pellerano.
Make-Ups: Andrea Mason - eClubOne – June 23.
Club Anniversaries: Linda Fuller – June 28, 2016 (re-joined), Jim Vickers – June 30, 2000, Micki Sumpter – June 30, 2005, Larry Fernald – July 1, 1975, Ralph Farrar – July 1, 1980, Richard Dudman – July 1, 1981, Dan Susina – July 1, 1998, Rob Hemenway – July 1, 2014, Mike Marino – July 7, 2009 (re-joined), Lincoln Ehrlenbach – July 9, 2002.
Birthdays: Laura Pellerano – July 3, Fred Beyer – July 7, Iris Simon – July 8 .
Wedding Anniversaries: Merry Post and Mike Fisher – June 28, 1985, Laura and Gene Pellerano – June 29, 1986, Linda and Jeff Fuller – July 3, 1998, Cindy and Rod Fox – July 10, 1965
Door Prizes: David Chen won a 32-melody wireless doorbell, Gene Pellerano got some Machias Savings goodies, Julie Bouchard received a bottle of wine, and Cindy Shoppe took home a Flexit gift card from Gift Card Grab Bag.
50/50: Alyssa Callnan was the lucky winner of $19.
Happy Dollars Highlights: Happy Dollars for the 4th Quarter are going to the Free Medical Clinic. Several Rotarians gave $26.50 in honor of Carl’s year and Scott’s year to come and in recognition of the Rotary Foundation. Larry Johnston was happy for a great trip to visit family in Vermont. Cheryl Callnan was happy to be visiting with us, to have the Chen family with us, and that her club in Plymouth is going to be part of the Dominican Republic wheelchair project.
Rotary Business: None.
Program: Carl Lusby opened Transition Night with some remarks about his year and what the club has accomplished in the year past. He presented Presidential Citations and Certificates of Appreciation to various club members who served as officers, Board members, and in other club leadership roles. Perfect attendance certificates were presented. Tabs for years in Rotary were presented in including a 15-year recognition to Laura Pellerano and 25 years to Dan Hurley and Iris Simon.
Carl then inducted Scott Kimball as our 2017-2018 Club President. Carl received his plaque and pin and Scott received his Rotary license plate and pin.
President Scott introduced the officers, Board members, and leadership team for the new year.
He made some brief (less than 2 hours!) remarks about the goals for our club and Rotary International for the new year and introduced District Governor Lincoln. Club goals: continue our two major fundraising events the pancake breakfast and the auction, complete our wheelchair project in the Dominican Republic, complete the grant to Special Children’s Friends if we receive the award as hoped, complete the project at the SPCA, donate $2,500 to Lincoln’s District Governor’s project, achieve our goal of $6,500 in donations to Every Rotarian Every Year, a Polio Plus donation of $2,000 and do a Purple Pinkie Project in October, and begin a new Literacy Project staffed by club members and coordinated by Gene Pellerano.
One of Rotary International’s major focuses this year is to plant trees throughout the world to aid in the production of oxygen and absorption of carbon dioxide. Our club goal is to plant one tree for every club member. We would also like to increase our percentage of women members from 43% to 50% and to add younger members with an emphasis on encouraging them to develop and accomplish projects of interest to them!
Everyone is looking forward to working to achieve these goals as part of: “Rotary: Making a Difference.”
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Churchill