Opening Ceremonies: President Scott Kimball called the meeting to order. 
Invocation: by Terri Stevens Smith and we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Greeter: Andrea Mason
Make-ups: DG Lincoln and District First Lady Deb with club visits, Rotarians that helped at the FIA Auction
Visiting Rotarians: Leslie Poake of the Bangor Noontime Club
Guests: Jenni Casale, Al and Karen Dorn
Club Anniversaries: Marshall Smith 19 years
Wedding Anniversaries: Dom and Arlyn 23 years
Door Prizes: Karen Dorn - Taiwan Fruit, Marshall - white wine, Dom - Las Vegas chocolates, Ray - Breast Awareness T-shirt
Rotary Minute: PP Carl talked about the FIA Auction and that FIA "Doing Good " every day.
50/50: Jenni Casale won $15 and turned it into Happy Dollars for "Keeping the Good Going."
Happy Dollars Highlights: Leslie-Bangor Club's 100 anniversary, Dan-District conference, Tracy-Benefit Supper, Dave-Wheelchairs, Carl-FIA Auction, Dom-Purple Pinky/Domestic Violence/Breast Awareness, Jo-Thanks to Rotary for helping at the FIA Auction, Bruce-Vermont visit for grandson's football game, Larry Johnston-Grandson becoming a SEAL MEDIC/EMT, Bill-Porcupines
Rotary Business:  
Membership Night is November 7th - Please start looking for prospective new members to attend.
Volunteer opportunitiesOctober 7th BBQ for Challenger Little League. Please contact Clyde to help out.  Purple Pinky Project - October 21st at Pat's Pizza. Please contact Carl Lusby to help out.
Program/Speaker: Our own Rotarian Captain Bill Casale, with the assistance of his wife Jenni, presented his new book called "50 Ways to be a Mainer." Bill described his taking a comedy class  and having to create his own jokes for the final exam, which was a 10 minute live presentation. He pointed out that being a Mainer is a life style and not a "geographic accident of birth."
Also contained in his book, without any shame, are numerous "shout outs" for Rotary. Amanda Pham, a Florida high school student, produced the wonderful black and white illustrations (that the book owner can color on a cold winters night). Bill also educated us on a "shaggy dog story," which is a joke told slowly, with much detail, and a "punch line" that nothing to do with the lead in. He also told us about short jokes, some with only four words "Take my wife---Please."
Thank you Bill and Jenni for a wonderful presentation.
Submitted by Dave Wells