Opening Ceremonies: President Carl Lusby called the meeting to order.  Invocation by Carl Lusby and we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Carl also noted the service of Marion Wells as greeter, Dan Hurley for taking the minutes as Cindy Shoppe for being Sargent at Arms.
Visiting Rotarians:  Betty & Dave Parsons, Josh Torrance, Terry Carlisle and Phyllis Young.
Guest:  Mary Post
Birthdays:  Marion Wells 6/7 and Michael Povich 6/17
Anniversary:  Bruce Fischer, 45th
Make Up:  Moria O’Neil on line
50 /50: was won by Betty Parsons $13.
Door Prizes:  Woodlawn Package:  Terry Carlisle, Woodlawn package:  Jo Cooper, Angel of the Garden: Dug Kell, Sparkling Cider:  Clyde Cushing
Happy Dollars:  The following Rotarians and guests :  Betty Parsons, Bruce Fisher Jane Langley, Dom Efter, Dug Kell, Fred Breyer, Tracy Shaffer, Iris Simons, Heidi, Marion & Dave Wells, Dave Parsons, Scott Kimball, Jo Cooper, Carl Lusby and Josh Torrance.  Larry Johnson asked for a moment of silence on the anniversary of D day that was observed.
Rotary Business: President Carl presented a Paul Harris plus 2 pin to Dom Efter ( well deserved!! )
President Carl also reminded the club to set up their “My Rotary” Accounts and had handouts of the directions thanks to Ashley Johnson.  Carl also reminded the group that next week is our annual Paul Harris night.  All previous recipients are encouraged to wear their medallions and pins.
President Carl also presented the Board’s plan for weekly expense reduction to the membership.  Between the online vote and the members present, a total of 54 votes were received all in favor of the plan with no dissenting votes.   As the total votes cast exceed the quorum required in our bylaws, the plan was approved and will be implemented.
Program/Speaker: President Carl introduced our former club president Joshua Torrance who is the Executive Director of Woodlawn.  Josh remarked upon the history of Woodlawn, its role in the community and Hancock County, future plans, and its previous interaction with our Rotary Club.  Josh’s remarks were insightful, and well received by the club.
At the end of Josh’s presentation, President Carl gave Josh one of the coveted Ellsworth Rotary Speaker’s coffee mugs and adjourned the meeting. 
Respectfully submitted by Dan Hurley