Opening Ceremonies: President Scott Kimball called the meeting to order.  Invocation by Larry Fernald and we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Greeter: Carl Lusby
Sargent at Arms: Cindy Shoppe
Make-ups: Jo Cooper, Bruce Fischer, Andrea Mason, Dan Hurley and Lincoln Ehrlenbach
Guests: Travis Higgins with girlfriend Nicole
Birthdays: Bill Casale – February 6th
Club Anniversaries: Terri Stephens – February 9th
Door Prizes: Jim Vickers, Carl Lusby Suellen Speed, Jo Cooper
Rotary Minute: Jo Cooper gave the Rotary Minute
50/50: $12.00 to Larry Johnston
Happy Dollars Highlights: Larry Johnston, Tracy Shaffer, Peter Farragher, Dom Efter, Joann Brown, Jack Frost, Lincoln Ehrlenbach, Scott Kimball, Dave Wells all gave happy dollars this week.
All dollars will go towards the backpack program for the Wheel Chair Project in the Dominican Republic.
Rotary Business:  
1. Everybody Eats Sign-up sheet for the Month of March is going around. Sign-up if you are available to help!
2. Membership Committee Meeting – Thursday, February 8th at Martha’s Diner at 7:30am.
3. Membership Seminar – March 3rd in Waterville. See Scott Kimball for details to attend.
4. Paul Harris Committee – Jack and Carl will be scheduling the 1st meeting soon. An email will go out.
5. Auction Kickoff- March 13th at our Rotary Meeting. Please attend.
6. Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) – March 24th in Wells Maine. See Scott Kimball for details to attend.
Program/Speaker: Travis Higgins was our speaker this week. Travis was our participant who attended RYLA in September.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is a leadership program coordinated by Rotary Clubs around the globe. Each year, thousands of young people participate in this program. Young people ages 13–30 are sponsored by Rotary Clubs to attend the event run by the club's district committee.
Travis shared photos and his experience at RYLA.  Travis learned about the following at RYLA:
  • Fundamentals of leadership
  • Ethics of positive leadership
  • Importance of communication skills in effective leadership
  • Problem-solving and conflict management
  • Rotary's purpose and service to the community
  • Building self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Elements of community and global citizenship
Travis thanked the club for sponsoring him and said it was a great opportunity to go! 
Respectfully submitted by Ashley Johnson